Monday, November 18, 2013

Visit to St. Augustine

So we have continued to have a rough couple of weeks as far as numbers go, we just can't seem to find people to teach and some of our investigators have dropped us which is really frustrating, but, we still keep pressing forward. We actually had a great experience this week with Sophie and her family. We went and had family home evening with them and they we all really excited to have a time set aside to bond as a family. After FHE Kim gave us a ride home and she told us how grateful she was for helping her girls and she talked about the light that she has seen come into Sophie's eyes. We got her cell phone number and sent her a text just to let her get our number and she responded again thanking us for helping her girls as well as herself grow closer to each other by growing closer to God! It was a miracle that she recognized the changes that were going on with her and her daughters. She also invited us back this week for FHE and dinner (She is Italian and from Jersey, so you know it's going to be good!).
Also I had a strange experience last night/this morning, I had a dream that I was trying to give a lesson to a lot of our members and I kept trying to tell them to read Alma 5. They would not listen to me, but I kept insisting, and it was so weird. So during personal study I decided to look up Alma 5 and see what it was all about. In it Alma is talking to members of the church and he is asking them why they think they are going to end up in heaven. Alma tells them that if they do not repent and receive the image of our Savior in their countenances they will not be saved at the last day and they will be forced to see their errors before God. It also goes on to talk about those in the church who were needy and unable to help themselves, but who had received the image of our Savior in their own countenances and their doings were meted unto repentance. It rebukes the members for not helping the less fortunate around them and for not being an example, but instead letting themselves become lifted up in the pride of their hearts and thinking themselves to be better than one another. It was so interesting because that is one thing that we are really struggling with as a ward. Our ward is very competitive and they like to put themselves into classes. They have good intentions, but they do not want to change the way that things are. I don't know exactly what to do about it but something tells me that the answer is in the scriptures. So if you have any suggestions on how to help with ward unity they would be much appreciated. 
So this last week the sisters in our district all went and had fun in St. Augustine. We had a blast and it was so beautiful! All of the walls are made of sea shells and the fort was magnificent! I felt like I was in Narnia the whole time it was great! We also got some cool postcards and a supprise that I am sending home for Christmas! It was so fun and it felt great to be able to have a fun day instead of a stressful one! 
So we also had another Zone conference this week. This one was just a normal one that we have quarterly as a mission. We talked about listening to our investigators to really find out how to help them progress within the gospel. We also talked a lot about inspired goals and planning. Our plans are the blue print for our investigators and without them they will not be able to progress the way that they should.

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