Monday, December 9, 2013

It's Almost Christmas!

So this week has been absolutely AMAZING! As you know we have been working with Sophie, Kim, and Gracie. Well this week we got a text on Tuesday from Kim asking if we could come over for Bible study this week, so we arranged for three appointments (one for each girl and Kim on her own). I was really scared to have a session with Kim because she is a devout Catholic and she wanted to know the timeline for the Book of Mormon. I studied as hard as I could to make sure that I could have the knowledge for the Spirit to bring to my remembrance about the timeline for the Book of Mormon and Bible. We went over on Thursday and as we were getting started we talked a lot about the atonement and what it means to each of us. I bore testimony to her of the reality of the atonement and how it can help us get out of even the darkest hole. In the process of this the Spirit took over and I said something to the effect of "I know that we were supposed to meet and talk and help each other through this phase of our lives...." At that point Kim started bawling and she told us of an experience that she had the day after Thanksgiving. She had been outside praying, asking our Father in Heaven if this was the path that she should take and she looked up and saw a shooting star go by. She then asked Heavenly Father if he was sure and a second shooting star went past. She took that as her answer and said "okay, I'm ready, teach me." We taught the restoration and she just ate it up. She was so excited to learn about the Book of Mormon and she loved that it talked about the people in America and how it went so perfectly with the Bible. At the end I was really nervous but I asked her about Baptism and she replied that she wanted to be baptized! She needed a little time to make sure that she had repented of her sins in her mind and when she is ready she will be baptized! It was seriously an answer to our prayers. We had just set a date for baptism with Sophie and Gracie this week and Kim was the cherry on top. They all came to the ward Christmas party and we were talking about life and Hailey told us that she had thought about it and that she wanted to be baptized as soon as possible, so we are going to have a baptism on the 21st for Hailey! Tonight we are going to pick out the baptism dress she wants to wear and talk about what she wants to have happen in the baptism. I really feel that they are one of the main reasons that Sister Davidson and I are here. 
We also had a trade off this week with our Sister Training Leaders. I stayed here with Sister Eddington while Sister Davidson went to Julington Creek with Sister Beacham. It was great! We tracted into a man named Miguel and he hardly spoke any English but we had a great conversation with him about church. I also randomly had a Spanish Plan of Salvation pamphlet in my bag from the MTC and so I gave it to him and we then gave his contact info to the Spanish Elders and it was great. 
Also this week I tracted so much that I got a HUGE blister on the back of my foot. It was pretty gross, so I am going to attach a picture! Sadly we did not go to the alligator farm this week, I don't know when that will happen, but probably not until things calm down a little bit. We do get the opportunity to go to Atlantic Beach later this transfer with Tracy on a p-day. We still have to get permission to leave the zone, but that shouldn't be too hard. 
This week we have the mission Christmas "party." Sister Davidson and I both got emails from Sister Craig that gave us a piece of music that we get to perform at the party/devotional. I am singing "What Child is This" with another sister who I do not know and Elder Payne from my MTC district and Elder Derr who I went to high school. I think that this is pretty darn hilarious because none of us knew that we were going to be asked to do something and yet I got assigned to do a song with two elders that I know. Sister Davidson will be playing the flute to a Christmas song from the Children's song book. It will be really great! 
We also got word on Sunday that our Bishopric is being reorganized this next Sunday. While we have been here we have seen the Stake Presidency change and now the Bishopric. Our Bishop currently is fantastic. He just loves everyone in the ward and loves missionary work. It will be interesting to see what happens. 
We also got a Christmas tree this week from a member and it is great because it sure doesn't feel like Christmas here.

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