Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Oct. 21, 2013

I can't believe that Halloween is just around the corner!  So here we have a trunk-or-treat this Saturday and we are going to put suckers on pass along cards! We have a lot of non-members coming and so we felt like it would be a good way to get some good "PR".  We are also dressing up, Sister Davidson is going to be a cheetah and I am going to be a witch, we spent like $5 at the store buying our costumes and we are so excited! I have a cute blue and black hat and some black and green striped tights, I am going to wear them with my black skirt and it should be super cute.

So one really exciting thing that happened this week is that I saved a turtle from being run over! It was great the car had stopped to try and let it pass, but it stopped right in the middle of the road, so I went and picked it up, took a picture, and then put it back in the pond it had come out of.

This has been a really good week! It has actually been our most successful week as far as numbers go. We have had more referrals than ever this week and a few of them are really solid. We are finally establishing trust with our members and the ward absolutely adores us sister missionaries. We actually had some media referrals this week which is a miracle in and of itself. We have been able to contact one and he wanted a Book of Mormon. He wasn't really into talking with us at first, but then the Spirit took over and we talked about the restoration and the plan of salvation for about 15-20 minutes. I have never had an experience like that before, he kept asking questions and I knew all of the right answers and words to say to him. The most amazing thing was that he didn't argue with anything we were saying, he was really interested and he basically agreed with what we taught him. He even asked what the Holy Spirit was like in our minds and we explained exactly what he was thinking (and feeling) the Holy Ghost was. It was absolutely amazing!

So in other news, we have not been able to see our investigator and her family this week because they have been sick with the flu. We also have been temporarily dropped by another investigator. She has been in the hospital for the past few days because of panic attacks and then she was in a car accident and so she isn't ready for us to visit her yet. It is so frustrating to know what we know about the Gospel and its power and then to have our investigators not realize it. Satan is working so hard to keep them from coming to church and is really working on their minds to use "valid" excuses to keep them from progressing.

Thanks for all of your support! Can you believe it has almost been two months already! I will be back before you know it.

P.S. I tried sushi for the first time today, I am not sure if I like it or if I want to throw it back up.

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