Monday, November 4, 2013

Nov. 4, 2013

But this week has been an crazy week. We have had a lot of ups and downs and inbetweens. We have also walked, a lot. We walked 8 miles on Thursday and about 6 more yesterday. It is hard when no one wants to listen to what you have to say. I wish I could just let them really know what they are missing out on, but I can't and so we just keep walking.
We actually had a surprise zone conference this week and Elder Zwick came and talked with us. It was all about the work and how it is hastening, but it really emphasized member missionary work. It is so hard for missionaries to find people these days purely by tracting. All of the investigators that we are working with are member referrals and let me tell you, it is so much easier to have them progress when they are with members. They understand more and are more comfortable coming to church when they have a friend. They are also more apt to listen to the gospel when it is an invitation from their friends instead of two 19 year old kids.  It is crazy how fast the Lord is hastening his work. Elder Zwick really emphazised that NOW is the time, not tomorrow, not next week, but NOW.  I am starting to realize that my mission will not end when I get home, but will continue for the rest of my life.  There were a lot of other really good messages at the Zone Conference, but a what stood out to me was, "Never limit yourself by what you feel you can do, but rather let the Lord expand your capacity".
We have had a rough week this week with some of our investigators. They are choosing not to progress and it is really hard for me because I want to let them know what they are missing out on and what they could have in their life, but I can't make them do anything. They have their agency and they get to make their own decisions, whether they will make them happy or not. I have learned to have a lot of patience.

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