Monday, November 25, 2013

Week before Thanksgiving

Thanks for the advice about the members. We actually had a really amazing expirence this last Sunday with working with the members. We were asked to teach the adult Sunday school class for fifteen minutues and the topic was "what can the members of our ward do for the missionaries to help with the work?" Talk about an answer to our prayers! It went so well! We were able to use the talk that M. Russell Ballard gave in this last conference and we talked about our missionary expierences before our missions and I really connected with our ward and the Spirit was so strong. We challenged everyone to have a non member family over for family home evening by January 31and told everyone to expect a call from us checking up on them. The best part was at the end the 2nd counselor in the stake presidency stood up unexpectedly and bascially used his authority to call the members to action. He told them very specific ways that they could be doing to increase the work within our ward and stake. 

This week we had an amazing lesson with Sophie, Kim, and Gracie. They are so precious, and they are progressing so much in the gospel. I love to see their faces each week as the light of Christ shines more and more. This week they wrote us letters telling us how much we meant to them and how much we had impacted their family. They were really nervous that we were getting transfered and they prayed every night that we would stay. When we found out last night that we were staying together for one more transfer we called them and they were so excited! They literally shouted for joy! They are the reason that we are here and they make all of the hard times and hard weeks worth it. I don't know how the rest of my mission will go, but because of them I will feel successful. We are hopfully going to set a date for them all to be baptized this December! What a glorious day that will be! 

Also on a funny note, this week we were out trying to contact in the park and we passed by these two black guys who were speaking another language and I stopped right in front of them and started to ask them about Jesus Christ. We gave them a card and invited them to church. It was great because I never do that!

I can't believe that Thanksgiving is this Thursday! It seems like just yesterday I got here! But by the time I speak with you at Christmas (which is less than a month away) I will have been out for FOUR months! Time is seriously flying by! I can't wait to skype you all on Christmas!

For Narnia!

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