Monday, January 20, 2014

Martin Luther King Day

Before I get started please pray for Sister Davidson and her family. President called her this morning and told her that her uncle had passed away this week. She is going through a hard time and is worrying about her family, so if you could all keep her in your prayers that would be great.

Other than This week has been good. President gave a great talk in our ward on missionary work and what members can do to start progressing the work in this area.  He then gave an amazing third hour lesson where he had members do role plays and really think of how they can do missionary. It was like a mini zone conference for members. The work is taking off here in Fleming Island. We are having a lot of success and so are the Elders, it amazing what can happen when you work together and with the spirit. 

Oh so I got the call this week that I will be a Facebook missionary starting Friday. I have four weeks of training calls and so that should be interesting. We also get iPads on the 3,4, or 5 of February so that will also be pretty cool.  At the beginning of my mission I didn't want to be on Facebook because I didn't think that it was very important, but I have seen a lot of miracles come through Facebook that could not have come by any other way. It is really amazing to see how the work is progressing and the ways that is is progressing.  Some missionaries have already received theirs and have actually had a lesson over Skype with one of their new investigators who couldn't be at an appointment. It is absolutely amazing how The Lord is doing his work these days. It seems now more than ever The Lord is really preparing the hearts of the people around us. There is this sense of urgency that is coming over the church about missionary work. There isn't anymore time to be casual about missionary work and living the gospel, because The Lord needs us to be ready now. I am so grateful that you are listening to the promptings do the spirit when it is telling you this, because not everybody is listening and they are missing the point.  
That makes me so sad that no one is putting forth the effort to help _______.  That is the problem that I think most wards have, people are just so comfortable in their own little groups and cliques that they do not want to step outside of their comfort zones and actually help others feel comfortable in the gospel. I think that is why there are so many less active members because they feel unwanted and they don't feel like they fit in. Thank you for all making that effort I know that it will help others feel more comfortable and it will also bring you many blessings. The Lord will trust you with more of his children if you take care of the ones already in the flock. 
 P.S. I want the Seahawks to win, I like Denver, but Manning has too many Super Bowl rings already.

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